Saturday, September 26, 2009

Pillsbury Persuasion

As I was watching TV the other night a commercial came for Pillsbury chocolate chip cookies and boy do they ever look de-licious when they bake in the oven! They make them look so appetizing, the way they start in a ball and smooth out into the cookie...mmmmm...:) The perception factor, for me, was watching them "bake" in 3 seconds into the perfect cookie. Definitely memorable. Log that one away in my memory!

I really, really wanted to go out and buy some because I didn't have any chocolate chips to make my own cookies, but I resisted the temptation. I was pretty proud of myself. Persuasion facet was very good, in my opinion. Even when the commercial came on for a second and third time during the show I was tempted each time without the success of the Behavior Facet. The association facet was also well implemented because they show the kids coming home so they can eat these cookies with their mom, so the association with family and the home.

So I didn't buy the cookies...but I did eventually make my own because I wanted some so bad. Overall, an effective commercial for making me want chocolate chip cookies...but not bad enough to buy the Pillsbury brand.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word, just looking at that picture makes me want cookies. Definitely effective advertising.
