Saturday, September 19, 2009

Football and Rootbeer

I went to the football game tonight (ouch!) and afterwards my husband and I stayed to help clean up the stadium because my friend's supervisor in his major (landscape management or something) will pay for this huge conference type thing they go to on the east coast that my friend has never been able to afford if he gets a certain amount of people to volunteer to help clean the stadium for an hour and a half after the game. So, we wanted to help our friend, so after the game we went to the West bleachers, put on latex gloves, grabbed a huge garbage bag and started picking up bottles. Has no one been taught to pick up or clean up after themselves?! Seriously! I couldn't believe how much garbage there was (not to mention could make a fortune off the recycling left behind after the games). I knew there would be a lot, but not that much. Anyway, after about 45 minutes I picked up a bottle of half drank (drunk, dranken?) rootbeer, and was going to empty it out (anything not empty we just dump out because then we hose down the entire stadium). So I unscrewed the cap just a tiny bit and got a shower of rootbeer. Drenched. Completely soaked from head to toe - not an exaggeration. Hair soaked, clothing too, and everything was super sticky - even when I blinked I could feel the stickiness. So I screwed the cap on, and drop kicked the bottle down to the next set of bleachers. I was pretty ticked.

So how does this relate in any way, shape, or form to the media? Well, the only things that kept popping into my head were songs, or titles of songs. First were ones that reflected my frustration such as It's Just My Luck, Ironic, etc. and then I kept thinking about Bring On The Rain, trying to have somewhat of a positive attitude. I tried to sing some hymns...but being worked up after the football game and just having been drenched in some unknown person's rootbeer, I wasn't ready for hymns yet. :) After I had been singing some songs in my head for a while I actually felt a lot better. Music has a very therapeutic effect on me, as I'm sure it does for most people. I think it's interesting how in most, if not all, situations I am in I can relate some song to it, or have an idea to write a song about it.


  1. I completely agree that music has a HUGE effect on our thoughts, feelings and attitudes which in turn effect our actions. i remember being a dumb teenager and thinking that I was the exception and that music didn't really do anything for me. I have had enough positive and negative experiences to KNOW now that this simply is not true! ALL forms of media change how we think and feel which leads to larger things. I just feel grateful for a prophet who has warned us of this principle and that I have finally smartened up and started to obey it for the most part, it makes my life so much more peaceful and happy!

  2. This is funny! Poor sticky you!!
